Blu Detiger - All I Ever want is everything review

Release Date: March 29, 2024

Before this album, the only Blu DeTiger song I had heard was Elevator, so I went into All I Want Is Everything with no real expectations—and I was very pleasantly surprised. The album is a blast from start to finish, effortlessly capturing the indie-pop sound with infectious energy. The production is sharp and engaging, keeping me hooked throughout.

What surprised me even more is that this is her debut album. She carries herself like an artist who’s been around for years, delivering confident, charismatic vocals that make every track feel alive. More than anything, you can tell she loves herself—and that self-assurance radiates through the entire LP. It’s fun, stylish, and full of personality, making for an impressive first full-length project..

Favorite Song(s): Dangerous Game, i’ll never tell, Hey You

Rating: 7.5


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